Mutex dibuat dengan polyethylene antistatik putih dan film mikropori. Mutex memiliki tudung, pergelangan kaki, pergelangan tangan & punggung yang elastis.
- Industry
- Automotive and Part Manufacturer
- Building and Construction
- Chemical Industries
- Energy or Electricity
- Green Spaces
- Industrial Cleaning
- Laboratory
- Maintenance
- Medical and Pharmaceutical
- Petro-chemical
- Services
- Utilities
- Water treatment
- Product Use
Industrial painting
- handling of chemical/petrochemical products
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Microelectronics
- Clean room
- Biological risks
- Industrial cleaning
- Abestos removal
Abrasion resistance (EN 530) : > 2000 cycles (Class 6) Trapezoidal tear resistance (ISO 9073-4) :
- Machine direction : 31,3 N (Class 2)
- Cross direction : 58,1 N (Class 2)
Flex cracking resistance (ISO 7854 MB):> 100 000 cycles (Class 6)
Puncture resistance (EN 863) : 18,2 N (Class 2)
Resistance to ignition (EN 13274-4) :Self-extinguishing material
Surface resistivity (EN 1149-1) : OK (3,1 . 1010 Ohm)
Resistance to penetration by solid particles (EN 13982-1) : Ok
Résistance to penetration of nuclear particles(EN 1073-2) : OK (class 1)
Spray test (EN 13034 – EN 468) : Ok
Resistance to penetration by infective agents (EN 14126)
Material resistance to penetration by :
- synthetic blood : Ok
- to the penetration of pathogens carried in blood :Ok (Classe 6)
- infectious agents by mechanical contact with contaminated liquids :Ok (Classe 6)
- contaminated liquid aerosols : Ok (Classe 3)
- contaminated solid particles : Ok (Classe 3)
Jangan digunakan saat ada kerusakan pada bahan seperti sistem penutupan rusak , lapisan terbuka atau cacat lainnya yang muncul.